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Starting recovery and treatment #4

Writer's picture: StephanieStephanie

Ah, I have so been enjoying gaining back my strength, starting to contribute to work around my house and even getting in some exercise! I've also been widening my social circle now that I am not so concerned about getting sick. I've spent time with more extended family, gone to a BBQ at my neighbor's house and I made it to church for the first time since treatment started.

But just as I feel I am on the upswing, here comes my follow up appointment with Dr. T. Tomorrow I will learn about my oral chemo regimen (what drug(s) I'll be taking, how often I'll take it, for how long and what side effects to expect). I'd be lying if I didn't say I have some trepidation. I've come this far, though, and I have to believe I can handle whatever is coming next!

So a little recap: I started treatment with intravenous chemotherapy October 1st- February 19th. This was followed by a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy on March 13th. Then I had radiation from April 15th- May 10th. Originally, this was supposed to be the last step in my treatment. The addition of oral chemotherapy is preventative, as far as I know. I will provide more details after tomorrow.

I was also supposed to have my 3 month follow up with Dr. P (my surgeon) tomorrow, but it got rescheduled to this Friday. So I will keep you posted on that, as well!

Daily Life:

What am I doing these days? Well, I'm still spending about 75% of my time at home. I take each day as it comes, sometimes hour to hour. I can have a great morning and then a miserable afternoon. It just depends.

I am trying to take a walk or exercise most days and let me tell you, this is exhausting. I basically spent 5 months in bed and my body has suffered as a result. My muscles have been lazy and they are rebelling against my efforts to revive them!

Today I've done two loads of laundry, which is a lot for me! Our laundry room is in the basement and stairs continue to be my nemesis, so I get winded quickly.

I've been watching past seasons of Survivor, dreaming about Disney World and enjoying my deck when it isn't pouring rain outside! I've been struggling to enjoy reading lately, which has me pretty bummed. If you have any amazing recommendations, please send them my way! I am hoping I've just been picking the wrong books and that my love will be sparked again by the right book!

Now onto my favorite activities! I spend time with my nieces and nephews, in person or by FaceTime, whenever I can. They continue to bring me so much joy and hope. And the last thing I've been doing is tending to my roses! Ricky and I have been enjoying adding to our plant family and he is absolutely doing an amazing job with our landscaping. I love our home so much and I feel so blessed to have this oasis.

Updates & Prayer Requests:

  • I was given the opportunity to make a recovery registry by an organization called 'mend after.' In addition to helping me, 'mend after' will make a donation to Living Beyond Breast Cancer in my name and they will donate 10% of their proceeds to people who cannot afford cancer recovery care. To learn more or to contribute, please click here.

  • I am still dealing with some discomfort and itchiness where I was burned during radiation.

  • Please continue to pray for my family. My Sittou (grandmother) is still with us, but her strength is failing.

I will be updating you again soon. In the meantime, please feel free to e-mail or text me -- it means a lot to know you are thinking of me.

All my love,


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