Growing up, I had an aunt who I knew loved me and who I loved very much in return. Truthfully, that can be said of my many aunts- I am deeply blessed. But Aunt Lynn was special to me. She was the mother of nine kids (really, ten- but that’s another story for another time!) so her life was always busy but she never failed to offer me a smile and a snack (or better yet, her baked ziti). When she was pregnant with her youngest, her due date was very close to my birthday. She gave me a small bear shaped container, full of crafting beads, to let me know she was still thinking of me even then. And when I stayed with her and her family while my parents were away one year, instead of me writing her a thank you note, she tucked one in my bag, thanking me for staying with them. Growing up, Aunt Lynn was a physical representation of love to me.
One year, Aunt Lynn gave me a very precious gift. Every Christmas, I open the tin where I’ve tucked it away. This year as I gently undid the scraps of wrapping paper around the tiny figures and placed them in my living room, I was overcome as I unwrapped the figure of baby Jesus.
Jesus, the Savior of the world, born in a manger. Born to a lowly, young girl. Greeted by sheep and donkeys. What incredible humility! What incredible love! Sometimes it just hits me so strongly what an unexpected salvation story God wrote for us. Truly, only the ultimate Creator could have fashioned such a plan.
As we enter into this Christmas season, I am praying for a greater awakening to His presence. I am praying for the joy of His birth to stir anew in me, and you, as we celebrate. May we find ways to be physical representations of love to those around us, as Aunt Lynn was to me.
“Christ himself was like God in everything … But he gave up his place with God and made himself nothing. He was born as a man and became like a servant.” Philippians 2:6-7 NCV
All my love,

Beautifully written and your words are a reminder to take note and be appreciative of the little things that happen every day that are blessings to our lives.
love you, Uncle Al