I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! Mine started out here ... getting my second round of Abraxane. This infusion was fairly quick (a 2 hour appointment) and I took preventative meds beforehand for nausea and anxiety, so things went smoothly. I have never seen the infusion center so empty! I was glad it was quiet and relaxed; you have to find the silver lining when you're getting chemo on Christmas Eve!
I was told by my nurse the previous week that I should not go to Christmas Eve service due to the crowds and exposure to germs. Ricky and I also decided not to go to my parent's house for dinner for the same reason. So we had a quiet night at home, just the two of us and a lovely turkey dinner.

Christmas morning Ricky made us waffles and hot cocoa and I read the Christmas story from Luke 2.

Then we opened gifts. With me not working and our medical expenses, we agreed to have a small Christmas. In the past this would have saddened me but honestly, this Christmas felt meaningful and beautiful.

Richard made me this incredible work of art (Tav is one of my nicknames for him). I still don't understand how he made it but it is amazing and a perfect demonstration of how thoughtful my man is -- he truly surprises me everyday.
Later we went to my parent's house for a delicious dinner and quality time with some of my favorite people. I hadn't seen my brothers-in-law, my nieces, my nephew or my Sittou (grandmother) in over a month and I'd only spent a few hours over the past month with my sisters and parents, so I was overjoyed to be there.
One of my favorite things about this Christmas was that both of my nieces wanted American Girl Dolls, baby dolls and accessories. My favorite childhood Christmas was when I got my American Girl Doll (Samantha) and accessories. I love reliving those happy moments with them!
Before dinner, my mom asked if some of us wanted to take a walk outside. I haven't been on a walk further than down the street since I started chemo and I was already feeling exhausted but I decided to go. I am so glad I did! Our whole family ended up going and even though it was short, it was refreshing and it felt good to just be a part of normal life.

So there you have it: a very chemo Christmas. It was actually pretty great!
Images of Christmas past and Christmas present
Now onto some other news ...
My emotions have been much more stable this past week, thank God. The hardest thing I'm dealing with right now is the loss of my eyelashes and eyebrows. I have one lash left on the bottom of each eye, my top lashes are thinned out, I have a bald spot in one of my brows and both brows are significantly thinned out.
I was telling my family you don't realize how much of a difference little things make until they are gone. I never noticed bottom lashes but now that mine are gone, I can't believe how different I feel. And while I am SO thankful for my wigs, even wearing those I notice things that are missing ... those pesky "baby hairs" around my forehead, my "sideburns" ... I just feel like everything looks unnatural.
This journey has ups and downs. Some days are better than others. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am officially HALFWAY THROUGH CHEMO! 8 down, 8 to go! We can all celebrate that, at least!
Some information about my website:
Please take some time to explore the rest of my site, if you haven't already. As my health improves, I am hoping to update the different pages more regularly.
I just picked a winner for my first giveaway (a makeup package worth over $60) and I am looking forward to having another giveaway soon, so keep an eye on that page!
If you are looking to do a little shopping, take some time to see what I have for sale. I am constantly adding new items and right now all of the items in my shop are on sale! Additionally, I would be happy to send you a surprise coupon if you message me!
Thank you for taking the time to look around. Each purchase you make or click you make on my gift guide helps me contribute to our income.
Updates & Prayer Requests:
The itchy/tingly feeling has been much less. I've been using a super intense lotion and that seems to have helped greatly.
Continue to pray for my blood counts, both red and white.
I have been extremely tired and weak due to my red blood cell count dropping.
I am being very cautious about being around people (low white blood cell count means a greater risk for infection). But I am hoping I will be able to see a few people in the coming weeks.
Pray for my appetite and acid reflux.
Pray for my continued health.
Pray for my family, both immediate and extended, as this journey has been tough for all of us in different ways.
My next two infusions are: Monday, December 31st (yes, New Years Eve) at 12:15 pm and Monday, January 7th at 12:30 pm (I will meet with my oncologist first).

Thank you for your continued love and support!
All my love,
