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Oct 8, 20194 min read
The process
Life with cancer doesn't move in a linear motion. There are ups and downs and steps taken backward and huge leaps forward. From day to...

Aug 28, 20192 min read
My Cancerversary
Yesterday was my one year cancerversary (the day I was told I had cancer.) For such a monumental day, it came and went with very little...

Aug 20, 20194 min read
The future, revisited
I am quickly coming up on my one year cancerversary. It is strange and surreal. I thought I would be done with treatment months ago,...

Aug 9, 20193 min read
Vacationing with Xeloda
Ricky and I were able to go on vacation for a shorter period of time than we originally planned. We weren't able to do much but it just...

Jul 26, 20192 min read
8.4, iron no more
I'll keep this brief. I had my bloodwork done today and things don't look great. The nurse pulled me aside and asked how I was feeling. I...

Jul 18, 20194 min read
Kissing the Sun (and my RBCs) Goodbye
I officially have one week of Xeloda under my belt. I found out I was supposed to be taking 1,000 mg 2x a day and instead I only took...

Jul 5, 20194 min read
Life 'after' cancer
The cancer journey involves three stages: diagnosis, treatment and life after. Diagnosis: This is the beginning, when you hear those...

Jun 26, 20193 min read
NED and Xeloda
Back at it, y'all. Ricky took this picture by accident at my appointment yesterday but I feel like it is a pretty accurate depiction of...

Jun 24, 20193 min read
Starting recovery and treatment #4
Ah, I have so been enjoying gaining back my strength, starting to contribute to work around my house and even getting in some exercise!...

Jun 8, 20194 min read
A normal weekend - A dream come true
I know I haven't filled you in on all the details of my radiation experience but I hope my last post gave you a good enough idea! To be...

May 30, 20191 min read
Radiation Recap
Here's a quick slideshow recap of my radiation experience. I will try to write an actual post next week, so check back then. All my love,

Apr 23, 20195 min read
Radiation and my first tattoo
I apologize it has taken me so long to write an update; I just haven't had the inspiration or energy to do so. Radiation started last...

Mar 27, 20194 min read
Wires and patches and IVs, oh my!
March 13, 2019. Surgery day. I know it has taken me a while to get this update out, so I feel like a lot of information has piled up. But...

Mar 18, 20192 min read
Seasons Part II
The theme of seasons has continued to play out in my life. I have two sisters, one older and one younger (raise your hand if you are the...

Mar 1, 20193 min read
Between Seasons
Wow, what a difference a week makes. I feel like I have traveled a thousand miles in the dark and my mind is reeling. Let me back up to...

Feb 17, 20193 min read
Practical help
It has been a rough week. Infusion 15 took a lot out of me. The cumulative effect of treatment after treatment for the past five months...

Feb 13, 20190 min read

Feb 10, 20192 min read
The home stretch
Wow, I didn’t realize how long it had been since I posted! I sincerely hope you all didn’t miss me too much! As I’m sure you've guessed,...

Jan 31, 20193 min read
On the concept of time
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Cancer has a funny way of making your brain work overtime. One day as my mom and I were looking...

Jan 27, 20194 min read
It’s me vs. winter germs
If you aren’t following me on Instagram or my Facebook page, you might not have heard that I did not make it to my chemo infusion this...
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